Legal Notices

For Terms and Conditions or Account Application Forms, please click here
For Registered Company Information, please click here
For our Code of Conduct, please click here
For our Global Supplier Code of Conduct, please click here

Compliance Statements:

Gender Pay Gap

Brand Energy and Infrastructure Services UK, Ltd. 

Fairness is critical to everything we do at BRAND®, and that extends to our people. Brand team members’ experiences should be based on what they do, and not who they are. At Brand, we are committed to improving the experiences of our team.

UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting

The UK government has introduced a new regulation to raise awareness of the gender pay gap — the difference in average pay between men and women in society or in an organisation. All companies with 250 or more employees in the UK must publicly disclose their own gender pay gap figures annually by comparing the average pay for all men to the average pay for all women, without accounting for job type, tenure, location or performance ratings. We welcome every new effort to increase transparency, and accountability, and today we’re publishing our UK figures.

UK Gender Pay Gap Data

Brand has published the gender pay gap data on the UK government’s website. Please click on the link

UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 Policy Statement

Find out below how we are committed to a zero tolerance policy regarding modern slavery and human trafficking, and how we ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

Bribery Act 2010 ("Act")

Statement of policy from Brand Energy & Infrastructure Services UK, Ltd. (trading as Brand)

Brand is committed to maintaining the highest level of legal and ethical standards in the conduct of its business affairs and accordingly will:

  • not sanction corrupt behaviour in any circumstances
  • not engage in bribery in any of its activities
  • not tolerate the acceptance of bribes in any of its activities
  • apply restrictions to the giving and receiving of gifts and hospitality.

Brand has therefore adopted a zero tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and this approach will apply to its:

  • employees, officers or directors and anyone they authorise to do things on their behalf;
  • representatives and other third parties who act on its behalf
  • suppliers; and
  • customers (e.g. they might try to induce an officer or employee to give them more favourable terms).

Brand provides regular, relevant training to all its employees in the UK and overseas on how to implement and adhere to its Anti-corruption Policy which includes but is not limited to training in relation to the Act.

Brand’s position on bribery and corruption is simple: we conduct our business to the highest legal and ethical standards. We will not be party to corruption or bribery in any form and it is for this reason we have brought this statement to your attention to ensure that all parties that we do business with comply with its principles and obligations so that we all remain untainted by bribery and corruption.

Code of Conduct

High standards of integrity are fundamental to the way we do business. These standards are outlined in our Code of Contact available for download here.

For our Global Supplier Code of Conduct, please click here

Tax Strategy

In common with many international businesses, we have a responsibility to other interested parties in addition to our shareholders, which includes relevant tax authorities. As a result, we have a duty to ensure that we comply with the fiscal regulations in those territories where our presence or activities create a tax responsibility.

Accessibility Statement

At Brand we are working towards complying with Priority 3 of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

  • Our pages are designed so that they can be viewed at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.
  • The page structure is conveyed using header elements.
  • A stylesheet is used on our website and relative font sizes on all text, with the exception of graphical text.
  • Text can be increased or decreased in size by using the "view" option in your browser.
  • No information is exclusively conveyed using colour.
  • A site map is available to provide information about the layout of the website.

Downloading PDF documents

To read PDF documents with a screen reader please link to the Access Adobe website which provides useful tools and resources. Adobe also has a free online conversion tool for pdfs.

Browser compatibility

The standard support browser versions are:

  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Firefox 3.6+
  • Safari 5.0
  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge

Further Information

To learn more about web accessibility visit the RNIB Web Access Centre.

To obtain a copy of the screen reader JAWS visit the Freedom Scientific website.

If you have difficulty accessing the site or have any comments or feedback, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


The following contains limits and exclusions of liability in favour of the whole of the BrandSafway Group of Companies.

This web site and the information contained within it (together the "Site"), are provided as a service to customers. The Site is provided in good faith. Care has been taken in its preparation. However, users of the Site do so at their own risk and should verify information obtained from the Site before relying upon it.

To the extent permissible by law, Brand Energy & Infrastructure Services UK, Ltd. (trading as "Brand"), acting for itself and for each of the members of the Brand Group of Companies ("Brand") assumes no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any of the information supplied in or through the Site. Unless expressed here or unless a condition is implied by law for the protection of people acting as consumers, no condition, warranty or representation is given by Brand, and none shall be implied, in relation to the Site, or any software available for downloading from or through the Site.

Certain links may be provided to third party web sites. Brand makes no representation concerning the content of such third party sites, nor does Brand endorse any of such sites. Any software found on such sites has not been tested by Brand. Brand does not make any representation regarding the quality, safety and suitability of any software found there.

There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the internet, and Brand, cautions you to make sure you understand those dangers before retrieving any software from the internet.

In the case of any software available for downloading from the Site, any such downloading is subject strictly to any terms of licence, including limitations of liability, appearing in connection with such software. Brand has tested such software for functionality but does not warrant that it is error free. The user has full responsibility for any application of the software and assumes the risks associated therewith.

This disclaimer of liability applies to any and all loss, damage and injury, howsoever caused and to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, including (but not limited to) any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction. In no event will Brand or any person involved in creating, producing or distributing the Site, be liable for any loss or damage, including, without limitation, direct or indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages arising out of the use or inability to use the Site. The user hereby acknowledges that the provisions of this disclaimer are fair and reasonable and shall apply to all contents of the Site.

Unless otherwise specified, the materials on the Site are directed solely at those who access the Site from the United Kingdom mainland. Brand makes no representation that any product referred to in the materials on the Site are appropriate for use, or available, in other locations. No such representation shall be implied. Those who choose to access the Site from other locations are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws.

Copyright notice

The materials contained on this site are copyright and may be subject to other intellectual property rights. Whilst the pages may be downloaded or copied for the purposes for which the site is intended, such copies may only be used by you and within your organisation, and not for any commercial use without our express consent. All copyrights and trademark notices, marks, disclaimers and other such elements must be preserved and upheld at all times.

These disclaimers, exclusions and notices shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English Law. If any provision of these disclaimers and exclusions shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable then that provision shall be deemed severed; shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions; and, to the extent possible, shall be replaced by a provision which achieves an end as close as possible, within applicable law, as the severed provision.

If the user does not agree with this statement, or any part of it, the user should exit the site immediately. Further use of the site will imply, for all purposes, acceptance of this disclaimer.

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